Friday, May 29, 2009

new york, new york

New York, the concrete jungle...who ever said that was not kidding.

Who visits a state five hours away from New York and doesn't drop by for a visit? Pablo, Vi, Dawn, and I, had the vary same feelings, so we planned a trip. Just the planning was stressful, especially when the other half of your people(the half with the car) is not around to help plan, and don't answer their comment. But never the less off we went, i hooked us up with a friend to stay with and as soon as we arrived he took us out!
The two other girls were hilarious, you know those classic tourist oohing and
awing at everything they see? Well that was them. "OMG! This is the same park from 'you got mail' Ahh!!!"and " i think this was in the one movie with that one guy.." Good thing i went with them, i realized I'm a boring tourist, i try to blend in.
That night we went to Time Square, we rubbed the bulls brass balls, and we went to a few bars, not to mention the
ferry we took to get to the city. Fun stuff, out tourist guide had a hang over all the next day...

We only had one day to see New York, because I'm this hard core canner
that can't miss more than one day. So we wanted to squeeze in everything! But of course that was unrealistic (try telling that to a tourist). We did go to the statue of liberty...and took tons of pictures. The statue its self was closed so we couldn't go inside but we found a grassy area on Liberty Island, and took pics! All the photos of the Statue of Liberty were taken in the ferry to get to the island, we basically paid $12.50 each to sit in the grass and take pictures.. but it was fun.
We also ate the classic new york
hot dog for lunch, we literally wanted the whole new york experience, including "I love New York" T-shirts...can you really blame us? Well our two day trip was ending that same night so we had to make sure we had our buss tickets to get back -our drivers were going else where...So to get to the station we had to take the metro. Our first metro, ride(i was silently waiting for someone to rob us)! We had to buy all day pass cards so we could freely hop from one train to the other. I'm not going to get into the details of how we had to buy our tickets, but it was dramatic and annoying... but at the station across the street or close by was (drum roll) the Majestic Theater! But i was broke, i was the only one with hardly any money as i was not raising fund for my self, and my projects, but they were, so i was the only one limited on they went and saw "the Phantom of the Opera!" and i waited out side for a friend to drop me off with another friend to go watch a movie...we shall skip the they went to Central Park, the only place i wanted to go to, but they were in New York and i was now out side of the city killing time. So while i killed time waiting, they spent time, and met up with us late. So Dawn (the pretty Indian girl in the pics) and I ran like chickens to catch the ferry to take the metro to get to the station to buy our tickets to get to our bus. Now you have to picture this properly I was running in high heels with an overly huge, heavy bag..(we had to bring our own blowup mattress) We were in the metro at 1am..Dawn happily states "Oh good there aren't a lot of people now.." "yeah," i say back,"only one guy and his friends to rob us, rape us and leave us in a corner to die.."(i was being a bit dramatic) but we were three feet from some, i don't know what to call this guy, a homeless is the best word. He was sleeping on the bench, and i don't know why we decided to sit at the same one. Well we ran like mad to the station asking where to go, we were supposed to get there an hour before the bus left to get our tickets (we bought them online at a burger king..), and we got to the ticket booth with literaly 6 min until boarding. We luckily got our tickets waited in line for about 45 seconds and got on our bus ha!

Dawn and I leaving New York in our bus at 1:45 in the morning leaving New York....


  1. argh, It stressed me out having to read about your trip to NY...I can only imagine how that was for you. Hope you had fun though!!! Well, at least now you can say "I went to new York".

  2. haha you should of been there, that was stressful but it was a overall fun experience, and yeah i get to say I WENT TO NEW YORK!!

  3. ahahha! glad it was fun after all ;)
