Saturday, November 19, 2011

My last post was 2009.. here is an update

The last post to this blog was right after a small melt down. I believe after that I moved in with a friend, Mila. That didn't go so well, luckily we were able to working things out and we are still friends. Oh yeah, I had another break down and decided to move back to Missouri, with my family. Thanks to my sister (Melissa) I was able to get an interview with the same company she worked at. I got the job, and became slightly successful. Not in that I accumulated a bunch of money, but I was finally stable. I had an apartment, I had a car. I was able to afford things I wanted, I still had problems here and there paying for things. I wasn't very good at managing my money. (I have gotten better at it though... I think)
Then I crashed my car, got a new car lost my job, lost my new car, made a quick decision. I was going back to Maryland 1month short of a year in Missouri.
That was 10 months ago.

Ok that's it for now, I'll tell you about the good stuff later.

- Teresa

Friday, November 6, 2009

missing home

I'll start this out blunt and perfectly honest, i miss home. I miss everyone, and everything, thats all there is to it, i hope everyone who reads this knows i truly do miss you all. This life can be one stressful headache, and life with all of you was generally good. But things change, and they always will, just gotta keep moving forward with it. lots of Love -Teresa

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

waiting tables

Like i jsut wrote i am now a waitress at a Mexican restaurant, and man the nerve of some people. One thing that drives me mad is when a someone get this great plate of food and it has something wrong with it, ok understandable you want a different one ok, then the manager is like oh they shouldn't have to pay for their meal because it had somthing wrong with it, ok thats also understandable, and great now the person only has to pay for their drink, which is probably only 3 dollars. Now what pisses me off is when that person just got a free meal, decides that its the servers fault that the cook fucked it up and leaves a fucking two dollar tip. So they just got to eat at a fine dinning restaurant for $5. WTF people! You got a meal for free the least you can do is make it up in the tip and be cool to your server. You don't have to be that stingy.


Ok i haven't wrote on this sense August, when everything was going all good. Its funny how one month everything is fine and now for everything to be falling down hill. I mean on one side its still all good, but everything is so much more stressful, being independent can be tiring after awhile. I never got my job for comcast..long stupid story that i don't feel needs to be mentioned... I got a job at Chevey's (a Mexican bar and grill) i have been working there for about a month now, but its really not gettign the job done, of paying off my debts. So i applied at Verizon and yep got that job!!! I start my training this friday. I really hope it goes good because i have had it being broke and in debt all the time. I like imagined i would have everything paid off with in a month. its been two months and i haven't been able to put a dime down, because every time i accumulate a little bit of money something bad happens and i end up having to spend a fortune to pay it off! I have been so stressed out lately because i have just been so broke. now the people own money to are like ok, where our money you have been working for a whole month so?? where's the cash. And me im just like ready to blow up because i live with them they can see that i am struggling, ohh its just soo stressful. On top of that i have a waitressing job which means that i have to deal with dumb dumb ass people just dying to give me a hard time. i need to step it up a notch make some money and get out of this. Please for any of you that read this please pray for me, im burning up over here, life is just so hard and i am falling, i need help and i don't know who i can turn to.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Beign left at home with nothing else better to do on a sunday, a friend Simon and I decided to do to this place called Savage Village. Its this place in a forest with a creek, i guess, with a bunch of waterfalls. Its soo pretty, when ther aren't a bunch of people the water is pretty clear and there are rushing fast waterfalls! The kind of waterfalls that you slide down and get a bunch of bruises from while doing it....well we went there and it was a bunch of fun, then Simon asks me if i think i can climb up the rushing waterfall, me knowing my own strength say no. so he calls me a quitter for not even trying! i know he was playing but still im not a quitter....yeah after trying for like 25min my legs were so tired and weak i realized that i was right to just assume in the first place that i couldn't do it, but that was after the waterfall had is way with me i got slammed against rocks shoved underwater and was pushed into people, and in the end i quite... OH! and while fighting with another waterfall i lost my ring my mother gave me! i was soo upset weep weep...but over all i had a good time, and after i bought stuff for sushi... one of the better parts of the whole day!

update ;D

Ok sense being back in Maryland i have completely forgotten about picture taking, i guess its cause i know ill see everyone all the time hehe. But just for an update, for all those who care and don't know, i decided to move to Maryland, close to Baltimore. Its pretty crazy how everything has been moving soo fast, i got here and a week later i got a car, thanks to a few friends (Barney, and David) and it had been three weeks and i got a job!!
I still need to fix a few things on the car, and im waiting on some mail so i can get a Maryland license and im waiting on the job to call me in about final details.... so in the mean time i have nothing to i spend most of my time having good old fun!! Going to the beach, to a few clubs, going to small lakes and getting my ass kicked by a few waterfalls (im still suffering from bruises on my legs), playing tons of volleyball, and chilling out at night. thats about it but its friday night i still have the rest of the weekend, and well the rest of the week :D fun fun. but in a small way im tired of it all and want to actually start working!but only in a small way, im sure that once i start working ill be wishing i had time off.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Humor, is the spiciest condiment in the feast of existence.
So, laugh at your mistakes,
but learn from them.
Joke over your troubles, but gather strength from them.
Make jest of your difficulties but over come them.