Friday, June 5, 2009


these are a few funny things I get at the lights, i really should write them down, they are too good what people sometimes say, well here are the ones I remember...I'll keep updating as i remember

I walk to the first car, wave at the driver, and motion to my bucket (on the bucket is a brief explanation of why we are there). It was two young boys about 16 years old...the driver rolls down his window and stares. So this time i ask verbally "like to help out?" more staring, finally he says "what can i do for you?"(a bit puzzled) i explain, finally he gets it and jumps into action wiggling around trying to find some money! It was so cute, his friends ended up breaking a 20...the power of a big smile :D.

I walk over to a SUV packed with young boys none of them looking like they can legally drive, and i ask liek i always do..they all scramble for change, adn are giving me there quarters when the kid in the passenger side shows me a bag full of goldfish! and asks if i want one of them.. i had just started my dad and said of course not i dont want to carry a bg full of fish for the next three hours..then the kids says oh well thats ok we are just going to blow them up! WHAT!! i exclaim, "fine i'll take them" but they had already decided that blowing them up was funner than giving them to they drove away...three hours later they drive by again..showing me that they had bought even more fish! now i only have half an hour to go so i tell them "ok i can take soem fish now" They tell me "no, no we want to blow them up" i say ok ill give you a dollar for a bag. they were soo excited sense apperently they only paid 60 cents for each bag so they gave me a bag of six fish...i decided to give them to dawn's kids. (We went and bought a tank and everything for them, Three are still alive to this day!)

The other day I (with my big smile) walk up to a fancy car and ask if the guy wants to help out. He looks at me and then at my bucket and says "why should i help?" "well," i start to explain,"some people really like helping out a good cause...(i was being a bit goofy that day..) some people like the feeling of waking up the next morning feeling like they helped someone," and on i rambled for a while when he interrupted me saying "What I ment was why should i help you when the picture on your bucket is of two white kids!!" (he was Indian i think) "oh these kids are Romanian!" i announce, and then explain out work a bit. he could care less he says "yeah right well i would help you if you changed the picture!" by then i was upset he was seriously rude and wasting my time, so i looked him straight in the eyes and said "whatever don't think you would help out, ne matter what picture i had on here!" the guy was so baffled he didn't know what to say. So i walked off, by then the light was green anyway...ugh the nerve of some people.

I hate it when people wast my time on the lights, i only have about 2 min to reach at least 40 cars, and i have someone at the front of the light asking me 50 questions. "what church are associated with?" "whats the name of yoru church?" "where in Maryland are you located?" "do you know John 3:16?" "why are you out here?" "why arn't you located in here?" "why arn't you helping the poeple that live here?"...and then after i explain all they either give me a hand full of pennies or they say.."well sense its not going directly to help our country i don't want to help" "well that's nice but i help though my church" "hmm well then no" "well i dont believe you?" AHHH!! thank you for wasting my time!!(is what i feel like shouting, but instead i keep smiling)

Other people that wast my time are the guys.."hey girl whats your name?" "are you married?" "can i ge toyur number?" "can you call your friend over here?" "can i have your number, or your friends number?" "damn girl you fine, why are you out here" "your getting paid to get a tan" "you me on the beach" I always have somthing to say to these time wasters, its jsut such a shame that none of these guys are ever that hot:(.

1 comment:

  1. goodness! too good -I laughed and laughed a bit more :P and now ppl are giving me the weird look....absolutley normal
