Tuesday, June 16, 2009

driving blunders....

Yesterday to my surprise my canning partner, that drives left. But the show must go on at least for another two weeks, so who is the appointed driver? Me!

Today was my first day driving in Maryland, first time really diving on the highway, and first time driving with out someone being there telling me what to do. I'm actually a good driver, i was able to drive in and out of the highways, switch lanes and everything, but i now realize that i am a bit directionally impaired, and can't follow directions on a map.
We took about an hour to find a light that was only 25mins away! Later when we ahd to move it took us an hour and a half to find the light that was about 20mins away. We would actually be going the right way, but somthing would make us think that we were going the wrong way to we would turn around, get back on the high way then realize we were going the right way and have to turn around again....or somtimes i was jsut in the wronge lane and it would take me off on an exit, and i would have no room to get on the highway, so i would have to drive down and find a place to turn around so that i could get back on the exit...it was quite stressful. On the way home was pretty bad too, we only messed up twice but both times took alot ot time to fix! In essance, we drove aroudn in circles all day today, but the good that came about was, we were two free chicks! Free to drive where ever we wanted, even though we got lost, free to choose where to go and how to get there, where to stop and on and on! It was so fun, even though we wasted time, it was well worth it. It was a good first day in charge!

1 comment:

  1. lol...those things happen only with Teresa. You just realized that you're a "bit" directionally impaired? lmao! I think the black hair is doing some good, hehe.
